Files Required to Run Cassandra

Simulation Input File

This is a required file that is given as an argument to the Cassandra executable. Example input files for each ensemble are provided in the Examples directory that can be modified for new simulations. The input file is divided into sections. Each section begins with a section header that starts with a #, e.g. # Run_Name, and ends with a blank line. Section # Move_Probability_Info is an exception and terminates with # Done_Move_Probability_Info, because subsections e.g. # Prob_Translation are separated by blank lines. Comment lines begin with ! and are ignored. Sections in the input file can be listed in any order, but the order and format of keywords and parameters given in each section are important unless otherwise noted below. Previously, some keywords were capitalized, e.g. CUBIC, some contained an initial capital, e.g. Units, and some were all lowercase, e.g. kappa_ins. New in version 1.2, all keywords are supported in lowercase text; each word in a section header must still begin with an initial capital.

Run Name

# Run_Name

The run name is specified on the next line following the keyword. This name is used as a prefix for all the files produced by the simulation. For example:

# Run_Name
Cassandra will then use dee.out as prefix for all output files created.

Simulation Type

# Sim_Type

Sets the ensemble (and thus the suite of moves) of a Cassandra simulation. The following ensembles are supported:

  • nvt or nvt_mc (canonical ensemble)
  • npt or npt_mc (isothermal-isobaric ensemble)
  • gcmc (grand canonical ensemble)
  • gemc (Gibbs ensemble)
  • gemc_npt (Multi-species Gibbs ensemble)
  • nvt_min (canonical ensemble, only moves which lower the energy are accepted)
  • fragment or nvt_mc_fragment (canonical ensemble simulation of a fragment)
  • ring_fragment or nvt_mc_ring_fragment (canonical ensemble simulation of a ring fragment)
  • pregen (Read from pregenerated trajectory; see Trajectory Reader)

For example,:

# Sim_Type

will run a Monte Carlo simulation in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble in which the number of molecules of each species \(N\), the pressure \(P\) and temperature \(T\) are held constant.


Simulation types fragment and ring_fragment are used only for generating a fragment library.

Number of species

# Nbr_Species

Total number of species in the simulation. For ionic systems, each ion is counted as a separate species. For example, for a mixture of two species, use the following:

# Nbr_Species

VDW Style

# VDW_Style
Character(i,1) [Character(i,2) Real(i,3) Real(i,4)/Logical(i,4)]

This keyword specifies the functional form of repulsion dispersion interactions to be used and if tail corrections are added for box \(i\). One line is required for each box. Character(i,1) specifies the van der Waals model and can be lj for a Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential, mie for a Mie potential, or none to turn off all repulsion-dispersion interactions. Character(i,2) and Real(i,3) are required for lj or mie. Character(i,2) specifies how the Lennard-Jones potential is truncated. Options are cut, cut_tail, cut_switch, or cut_shift. Refer to Chapter [Chapter:Force Field] for the functional forms. The other parameters Real(i,3) and Real(i,4)/Logical(i,4) depend on the selection of Character(i,2) as described below:

  • cut: This option cuts the potential at the distance specified by Real(i,3). The fourth parameter is omitted. For example, to simulate one box with a 14 Å cutoff specify the following:
    # VDW_Style
    lj cut 14.0
    Similarly, for a two box simulations such as used in the Gibbs ensemble where both boxes have a 14 Å cutoff, use the following:
    # VDW_Style
    lj cut 14.0
    lj cut 14.0
  • cut_tail: This options cuts the potential off at a distance corresponding to Real(i,3) and applies analytic tail corrections to the energy and pressure. An optional fourth argument Logical(i,4) can be set to true, in which case Real(i,3) is ignored and the cutoff distance is always set to half of the simulation box length. The cutoff will change during the course of the simulation when attempting volume moves. This option is provided to enable reproduction of literature simulations that use a cut off distance of half the simulation box length, but its use is discouraged.
    For example, to simulate one box with a 14 Å cutoff using tail corrections, specify the following:
    # VDW_Style
    lj cut_tail 14.0
    For a two box simulation where the first box has a 14 Å cutoff and the second one has a 20 Å cutoff, use the following:
    # VDW_Style
    lj cut_tail 14.0
    lj cut_tail 20.0
  • cut_switch: This option cuts the potential off and smoothly brings the potential to zero using a spline. The potential is cutoff and the spline turned on at a distance specified by Real(i,3) (\(r_{on}\) in Eq [Eq:cut_switch]) and the potential goes to zero at a distance specified by Real(i,4) (\(r_{off}\) in Eq [Eq:cut_switch]).
    A one box simulation using the cut_switch option would be specified as follows:
    # VDW_Style
    lj cut_switch 12.0 14.0
    In this case, the Lennard-Jones potential would end at 12.0 Å and be smoothly taken to zero at 14.0 Å. \(r_{on} < r_{off}\) or Real(i,3) \(<\) Real(i,4).
  • cut_shift: This option cuts the potential off at a distance specified by Real(i,3) and shifts the entire potential so that at this distance the potential is zero. The fourth parameter Real(i,4)/Logical(i,4) is omitted. The functional form of this potential is given in eq [Eq:cut_shift].
    To perform a two box simulation with a cut_shift option in which both boxes have a 10.5 Å cutoff, use the following:
    # VDW_Style
    lj cut_shift 10.5
    lj cut_shift 10.5


For all options, cutoff distances must be less than or equal to the shortest edge length of a simulation box.

Charge Style

# Charge_Style
Character(i,1) [Character(i,2) Real(i,3) Real(i,4)]

Cassandra allows the use of fixed partial charges on atomic centers using a Coulomb potential of the form given in Eq [Eq:Coulomb]. If this section is missing from the input file, the electrostatic energy of the simulation will not be computed. If you do not wish to use a Coulomb potential for box i, set Character(i,1) to none. If none is selected for Character(i,1) then Character(i,2), Real(i,3) and Real(i,4) are omitted.

For example,

# Charge_Style

should be used if you have no partial charges and are simulating a single box (or the section can just be omitted).

To compute the electrostatic energy for box i, this section must be included and Character(i,1) set to coul. For this option, Character(i,2) can be set to ewald if you want to use an Ewald sum to compute Coulombic interactions, dsf if you want to use the Damped Shifted Force method by Fennell et al., or it can be set to cut, in which case the Coulombic interactions will be cut off and the long range interactions ignored. For the Ewald option, Real(i,3) is the real space cutoff distance and Real(i,4) specifies the accuracy of the Ewald summation. A reasonable value for the accuracy is \(10^{-5}\). Note that the number of reciprocal vectors for the Ewald summation is determined in the code based on the accuracy parameter. For more details, see the paper by Fincham.

For example,

# Charge_Style
coul ewald 12.0 1E-5

will use the Ewald sum for a single box. The real space cutoff will be 12 Å and the accuracy will be \(10^{-5}\). If you have two boxes, like in a Gibbs ensemble calculation, then you could use the following:

# Charge_Style
coul ewald 12.0 1E-5
coul ewald 30.0 1E-5

This will use an Ewald sum for both boxes. In the first box, the real space cutoff will be 12 Å while in the second box a larger cutoff of 30 Å will be used.


When performing Gibbs ensemble simulations of vapor-liquid equilibria, the vapor box is often much larger than the liquid box. In this case, you will want to use a longer real space cutoff for the larger vapor box to avoid using too many reciprocal space vectors.


Also note that the real space cutoffs must always be less than or equal to half of the shortest edge length of a simulation box.

If you wish to use the Damped Shifted Force method, the entry Real(i,3) is the electrostatic energy cutoff distance and Real(i,4) is an optional entry to specify the damping parameter. If not specified, Cassandra will set this value algorithmically from the cutoff radius. For example,

# Charge_Style
coul dsf 12.0 0.20

will use the Damped Shifted Force method for a single box. The electrostatic energy cutoff will be set to 12 Å and the damping parameter will be set to 0.20, which is a reasonable value for typical liquid phase simulations.


If the cutoff in VDW_Style is set to half of the simulation box length, any cutoff distance specified in the Charge_Style section will default to the half of the simulation box length. In the case of Ewald summation, however, the accuracy will be the same as Real(i,4).

Mixing Rule

# Mixing_Rule

Sets the method by which van der Waals interactions between unlike atoms are calculated. Acceptable options are lb for Lorentz-Berthelot, geometric for geometric mixing rule and custom for allowing the user to provide specific values. To use either lb or geometric keywords with the Mie potential, all atomtypes must have the same repulsive and dispersive exponents. If this section is missing, lb is used as default.

To illustrate the use of the custom option, consider a mixture of methane (species 1) and butane (species 2) united atom models using a Lennard-Jones potential. Methane has a single atomtype, CH4. Butane has two atomtypes: pseudoatoms 1 and 4 are type CH3, pseudoatoms 2 and 3 are type CH2. The cross interaction table is as follows:

# Mixing_Rule
CH4 CH3 120.49 3.75
CH4 CH2 82.51 3.83
CH3 CH2 67.14 3.85

The order in which atom types are listed is unimportant, but the atom types must match exactly the types given in each MCF. The Lennard-Jones potential requires two parameters: an energy parameter with units K, and a collision diameter with units Å. The Mie potential requires four parameters: an energy parameter with units K, a collision diameter with units Å, a repulsive exponent, and a dispersive exponent.

Starting Seed

# Seed_Info
Integer(1) Integer(2)

Inputs for the starting random number seeds for the simulation. Cassandra uses a random number generator proposed by L’Ecuyer, which takes five seeds to calculate a random number, out of which three are defined internally while two Integer(1) and Integer(2) are supplied by the user.

As an example,

# Seed_Info
1244432 8263662


Note that two independent simulations can be run using the same input information if different seeds are used. If two simulations having exactly the same input information and the same seeds are run, the results will be identical.


When a ‘checkpoint’ file is used to restart a simulation (see # Start_Type below), the user supplied seeds will be overwritten by those present in the checkpoint file. If # Start_Type is read_config, then the seeds specified in the input file are used.

Minimum Cutoff

# Rcutoff_Low

Sets the minimum allowable distance in Å between two atoms. Any MC move bringing two sites closer than this distance will be immediately rejected. It avoids numerical problems associated with random moves that happen to place atoms very close to one another such that they will have unphysically strong repulsion or attraction. This distance must be less than the intramolecular distance of all atoms in a species which are not bonded to one another. For models that use dummy sites without explicitly defining bonds between dummy and atomic sites of the molecules (for example, the TIP4P water model), it is important that the minimum distance is set to be less than the shortest distance between any two sites on the molecule. For most systems, 1 Å seems to work OK, but for models with dummy sites, a shorter value may be required.

Pair Energy Storage

# Pair_Energy

Cassandra can use a time saving feature in which the energies between molecules are stored and used during energy evaluations after a move, thereby saving a loop over all molecules. This requires more memory, but it can be faster. The default is to not use this feature. If you wish to use this, set Logical to true.

Molecule Files

# Molecule_Files
Character(i,1) Integer(i,2)

This specifies the name of the molecular connectivity file (MCF) and the maximum total number of molecules of a given species specified by this MCF. A separate line is required for each species present in the simulation. Character(i,1) is the name of the MCF for species i. Integer(i,2) is the maximum number of molecules expected for the species.

For example,

# Molecule_Files
butane.mcf 100
hexane.mcf 20
octane.mcf 5

specifies that there are three different species, and the MCFs state the names of the files where information on the three species can be found. Species 1 is butane, species 2 is hexane and species 3 is octane. There can be a maximum of 100 butane molecules, 20 hexane molecules and 5 octane molecules in the total system. The maximum number of molecules specified here will be used to allocate memory for each species, so do not use larger numbers than are needed.

Simulation Box

# Box_Info
Real(i,1) [Real(i,2) Real(i,3)]
[restricted_insertion Character(1) Real(1) [Real(2)]]

This section sets parameters for the simulation boxes. Integer(1) specifies the total number of boxes in the simulation. Gibbs ensemble simulations must have two boxes. Character(i) is the shape of the \(i\)th simulation box. The supported keywords are cubic, orthogonal, and cell_matrix.

If Character(i) is cubic, Real(i,1) is the length of the box edges in Å. Information for additional boxes is provided in an analogous fashion and is separated from the previous box by a blank line. For a two box simulation, box information is given as:

# Box_Info


This will construct a 30 x 30 x 30 Å cube and the second a 60 x 60 x 60 Å cube.

The options orthogonal and cell_matrix are only supported for constant volume simulations (i.e. NVT or GCMC) which only have 1 box. If Character(1) is orthogonal, Real(1,1) Real(1,2) Real(1,3) are the length, width and height that define the simulation box. For example,

# Box_Info
30.0 35.0 40.0

This will create a simulation box with dimensions 30.0 x 35.0 x 40.0 Å.

A non-orthogonal box is created by setting Character(1) to cell_matrix. In this case, three basis vectors are needed to define the simulation box. Each vector is entered as a column of a 3x3 matrix. For example,

# Box_Info
30  0  0
0  35  0
0   2 40

defines a simulation box with basis vectors (30, 0, 0), (0, 35, 2) and (0, 0, 40).

The optional keyword restricted_insertion is used to define a region inside the simulation box in which molecules will be inserted at start-up via make_config or add_to_config or throughout the simulation via grand canonical insertion moves or Gibbs ensemble swap moves. If restricted_insertion is specified, Character(1) takes one of several options: sphere, cylinder, slitpore, or interface. Each option requires additional parameters, as follows:

  • sphere r, where r is the radius of a sphere centered at the origin
  • cylinder r, where r is the radius of a cylinder centered on the z-axis
  • slitpore z_max, where z_max is half the height of a rectangular prism
centered on the xy-plane
  • interface z_min z_max, which defines two rectangular prisms that span

    the box in the x and y directions. One box has bounds z_min < z < z_max and the other has bounds -z_max < z < -z_min.

For example, to make a spherical droplet with a radius of 5 Å in cubic box with 100 Å side lengths:

# Box_Info
restricted_insertion sphere 5.0

In addition, the insertion method for each species must be identified in the Start_Type or Move_Probability_Info sections.


# Temperature_Info

Real(i) is the temperature in Kelvin for box \(i\). For GEMC, the temperature of box 2 will be read from a second line:

# Temperature_Info


# Pressure_Info

Real(i) is the pressure setpoint in bar for box \(i\). For GEMC, the pressure of box 2 will be read from a second line:

# Pressure_Info

If the simulation type does not require an input pressure (e.g., NVT), this section will be ignored.

Chemical Potential

# Chemical_Potential_Info
Real(1) … Real(n)

where n is the number of insertable species and Real(i) is the chemical potential setpoint (shifted by a species-specific constant) of insertable species i in kJ/mol. Each chemical potential will be assigned in the order species appear in the Molecule_Files section. For species with insertion method none, the chemical potential can be listed as none or omitted. This section is only read for grand canonical simulations. See Eq. ([eq:muShift]) for more information. For example, the adsorption of methane (species 2) in a zeolite (species 1) can be computed by inserting methane molecules into a box with a zeolite crystal. In this example, only one chemical potential (for methane) is required and the following are equivalent:

# Chemical_Potential_Info
# Chemical_Potential_Info
none -35.0


Specifying the chemical potential as 0.0 is not the same as none.

Move Probabilities

# Move_Probability_Info
# Done_Probability_Info

This section specifies the probabilities associated with different types of MC moves to be performed during the simulation. The section begins with the header # Move_Probability_Info and is terminated by the footer # Done_Probability_Info. All the move probability subsections must be between the section header and footer.


If the move probabilities do not sum to 1.0, then the probability of each move will be divided by the total.


# Prob_Translation
Real(i,1) … Real(i,n) *One line required for each box \(i\)

where \(n\) is the number of species. Real(1) is the probability of performing a center of mass translation move. Real(i,j) is the maximum displacement in Å of species \(j\) in box \(i\). This subsection is optional in all ensembles.

For example, if you have three species and two boxes, you could specify the translation probability as:

# Prob_Translation
2.0 2.5 1.0
12.0 12.0 12.0

This will tell Cassandra to attempt center of mass translations 25% of the total moves. For box 1, the maximum displacement will be 2.0 Å for species 1, 2.5 Å for species 2, and 1.0 Å for species 3. For box 2, the maximum displacement for all species is 12.0 Å. For a simulation that involves solid frameworks, set the maximum displacement of the solid species to zero. Every molecule in the simulation with a maximum displacement greater than zero has an equal chance of being moved.


# Prob_Rotation
Real(i,1) … Real(i,n) *One line required for each box \(i\)

where \(n\) is the number of species. The probability of performing a rotation move is specified by Real(1) while Real(i,j) denotes the maximum rotation for species \(j\) in box \(i\) in degrees about the x, y or z-axis. The axis will be chosen with uniform probability. This subsection is optional for all ensembles.

For example, if you are simulating a single species in two boxes, you could specify the rotational probability as:

# Prob_Rotation
30.0 180.0

Twenty-five percent of the attempted moves will be rotations. Molecules in box 1 will be rotated a maximum of 30 around the x, y, or z-axis. Molecules in box 2 will be rotated a maximum of 180 around the x, y, or z-axis.

If all species are point particles (such as single-site Lennard-Jones particles), this section should be omitted. For a multi-species system, set Real(i,j) to zero for point particles and solid frameworks.

Linear molecules are a special case. A molecule is identified as linear if all angles in the MCF are fixed at 180. If a linear molecule were aligned with the axis of rotation, then the molecular orientation would not be changed. Therefore, linear molecules are rotated by choosing a random unit vector with uniform probability without regard to the molecule’s current orientation or the maximum rotation. As with non-linear molecules, if Real(i,j) is zero, no molecules of species \(j\) will be rotated.

For a single box simulation of a non-linear molecule (species 1), a linear molecule (species 2), and a point particle (species 3), you could specify:

# Prob_Rotation
30.0 10.0 0.0

Molecules of species 1 will be rotated a maximum of 30 around the x, y or z-axis, molecules of species 2 will be rotated by choosing a random unit vector, and the point particles will not be rotated.


# Prob_Angle

A molecule will be selected at random and its angle will be perturbed based on its Boltzmann weighted distribution. The probability of attempting this move is the only required input. It is specified by Real(1).

For example,

# Prob_Angle

tells Cassandra to attempt angle moves 30% of the total moves for all molecules containing angles within a given box.


Note that this move is rarely needed since the fragment libraries should already provide efficient sampling of angles. This move, however, may improve sampling of angles for large molecules in the case where parts of its fragments are rarely regrown by a regrowth move.


# Prob_Dihedral
Real(1) … Real(n)

The probability of performing a dihedral move is specified by Real(1) while Real(n) denotes the maximum width of a dihedral angle displacement for each species. The maximum width is given in degrees.

For example,

# Prob_Dihedral
20 0.0

tells Cassandra to attempt dihedral moves 30% of the total moves for all molecules containing dihedrals within a given box. The maximum dihedral width will be 20 for species 1 and 0.0 for species 2. Since the maximum dihedral width of species 2 is set to 0.0 in both boxes, no dihedral moves will be attempted on species 2. Note that a single max dihedral width is provided, even if species 1 may contain many dihedrals. This is also true for simulations with more than one box. Also note that the same max dihedral width is used for systems containing more than one box.


Note that this move is rarely needed since the regrowth moves should already provide efficient sampling of dihedrals. This move, however, may improve sampling of dihedrals for large molecules in the case where the parts of its fragments are rarely regrown (albeit a small maximum width is provided).


# Prob_Regrowth
Real(2,1) … Real(2,n)

where \(n\) is the number of species. A regrowth move consists of deleting part of the molecule randomly and then regrowing the deleted part via configurational bias algorithm. This can result in relatively substantial conformational changes for the molecule, but the cost of this move is higher than that of a simple translation or rotation. The probability of attempting a regrowth move is specified by Real(1) while Real(2,i) specifies the relative probability of performing this move on species \(i\). The relative probabilities must sum to 1 otherwise Cassandra will quit with an error. This subsection is optional for all ensembles.

For example, if simulating 70 molecules of species 1 and 30 molecules of species 2, you could specify the following:

# Prob_Regrowth
0.7 0.3

Thirty percent of the attempted moves will be regrowth moves. Seventy percent of the regrowth moves will be attempted on a molecule of species 1 and the balance of regrowth moves on a molecule of species 2.


Real(2,i) should be set to zero for monatomic, linear, or rigid species, including solid frameworks.


# Prob_Volume

Real(1) is the relative probability of attempting a box volume change. Since volume changes are computationally expensive, this probability should normally not exceed 0.05 and values from 0.01-0.03 are typical. Real(2) is the maximum volume displacement in Å3 for box 1. Real(3) is the maximum volume displacement in Å3 for box 2, and is only required for GEMC-NPT simulations. The attempted change in box volume is selected from a uniform distribution. This subsection is required for NPT, GEMC-NPT and GEMC-NVT simulations.

For example, if you are simulating a liquid with a single box in the NPT ensemble, the following:

# Prob_Volume

tells Cassandra to attempt volume moves 2% of the total moves. The box volume would be changed by random amounts ranging from -300 Å3 to +300 Å3. For a liquid box 20 Å per side, this would result in a maximum box edge length change of about 0.25 Å, which is a reasonable value. Larger volume changes should be used for vapor boxes. If you wish to perform a GEMC-NPT simulation, you might specify the following:

# Prob_Volume

This tells Cassandra to attempt volume moves 2% of the total moves. The first box volume (assumed here to be smaller and of higher density, such as would occur if it were the liquid box) would be changed by random amounts ranging from -300 Å\(^3\) to +300 Å\(^3\). The second box volume would be changed by random amounts ranging from -5000 Å\(^3\) to +5000 Å\(^3\). As with all move probabilities, you can experiment with making larger or smaller moves. Note that if the # Run_Type is equilibration, Cassandra will attempt to optimize the magnitude of the volume change to achieve about 50% acceptance rates.


The volume perturbation move is only supported for cubic boxes.

Insertion and Deletion Moves

# Prob_Insertion
Character(2,1) … Character(2,n)

where \(n\) is the number of species. Real(1) sets the probability of attempting insetion moves. Character(2,i) is the insertion method and can be either cbmc, none, or restricted. If cbmc, species \(i\) will be inserted by assembling its fragments using configurational bias Monte Carlo. If none, species \(i\) will not be inserted or deleted. If restricted, species \(i\) will be assembled using CBMC with the first fragment inserted into the region defined by the restricted_insertion keyword in the # Box_Info section. This subsection is required for GCMC simulations.


Restricted insertions should only be used if the relevant molecules cannot escape the restricted region during the simulation. If this condition is not met the acceptance criteria for molecule deletion will be incorrect and the ensemble will not be properly sampled.

If there is more than one insertable species, each is chosen for an insertion attempt with equal probability. For example, if you are performing a GCMC simulation with two species that can be inserted, you might specify the following:

# Prob_Insertion
cbmc cbmc

This tells Cassandra to attempt insertions 10% of the total moves and both species will be inserted using CBMC. If only species 1 is to be inserted or deleted, use:

# Prob_Insertion
cbmc none
# Prob_Deletion

Real(1) is the probability of attempting to delete a molecule during a simulation, and must match the insertion probability to satisfy microscopic reversibility. The molecule to delete is selected by first choosing a species with uniform probability, and then choosing a molecule of that species with uniform probability. If a species has the insertion method none, no attempt is made to delete it. This subsection is required for GCMC simulations.

# Prob_Swap
Character(2,1) … Character(2,n)
[prob_swap_species Real(3,1) … Real(3,n)]
[prob_swap_from_box Real(4,1) … Real(4,i)]

where \(n\) is the number of species and \(i\) is the number of boxes. Real(1) is the probability of attempting to transfer a molecule from one box to another. Similar to the # Prob_Insertion subsection, Character(2,i) is the insertion method and can be cbmc, none, or restricted. If cbmc, species \(i\) will be inserted by assembling its fragments using configurational bias Monte Carlo. If none, species \(i\) will not be transferred between boxes. If restricted, species \(i\) will be assembled using CBMC with the first fragment inserted into the region defined by the restricted_insertion keyword in the # Box_Info section. This subsection is required for GEMC simulations.


Restricted insertions should only be used if the relevant molecules cannot escape the restricted region during the simulation. If this condition is not met the acceptance criteria for molecule deletion will be incorrect and the ensemble will not be properly sampled.

For example, while performing a GEMC simulation for three species the first two of which are exchanged while the third is not, specify the following:

# Prob_Swap
cbmc cbmc none

This tells Cassandra to attempt swap moves 10% of the total moves. Attempts will be made to transfer species 1 and 2 between available boxes while molecules of species 3 will remain in the boxes they are present in at the start of the simulation.

By default, a molecule is chosen for the attempted swap with uniform probability (amongst swappable molecules). As a result, if one species has a much higher mole fraction in the system (e.g. if calculating methane solubility in liquid water), then most attempted swaps will be of the more abundant species. This behavior can be changed by using the optional keywords prob_swap_species and prob_swap_from_box.

The keyword prob_swap_species must be given with \(n\) options: Real(3,j) is the probability of selecting species \(j\). The keyword prob_swap_from_box must be given with \(i\) options: Real(4,j) is the probability of selecting a molecule from box \(j\). For example, to select a molecule of species 1 for 90% of attempted swaps and to select box 2 as the donor box for 75% of attempted swaps, use:

# Prob_Swap
cbmc cbmc none
prob_swap_species 0.9 0.1 0.0
prob_swap_from_box 0.25 0.75

The probability of selecting a species with insertion method none must be 0.

Ring Flip Move

# Prob_Ring
Real(1) Real(2)

This subsection is used when flip moves are to be attempted to sample bond angles and dihedral angles in a ring fragment. For more details on this move see Shah and Maginn. The relative probability of attempting a flip move is specified by Real(1) while the maximum angular displacement in degrees for the move is given by Real(2). For example, if the flip is to be attempted 30% of the time and the maximum angular displacement for the move is 20 specify the following:

# Prob_Ring
0.30 20.0


Note that this subsection is used only in input files that generate configuration libraries of ring moieties. The input file of the actual simulation would involve the # Prob_Regrowth keyword.

Start Type

# Start_Type
[insertion Character(3,1), Character(3,2), Character(3,n)]

This section specifies whether Cassandra generates an initial configuration or uses a previously generated configuration to start a simulation. Character(1) [Character(2)] can be one of four keywords: make_config, read_config, add_to_config, or checkpoint.

The keyword insertion is optional and is only meaningful if used in conjunction with the keyword restricted_insertion in the Box_Info section and either the make_config or add_to_config keywords in this section. Character(3,i) is the insertion method for species \(i\) and can be one of the following options: cbmc, none, or restricted. If cbmc, species \(i\) will be assembled using configurational bias Monte Carlo. If none, species \(i\) will not be inserted. If restricted, species \(i\) will be assembled using CBMC with the first fragment inserted into the region defined by the restricted_insertion keyword in the Box_Info section.

make_config and add_to_config are options to construct an initial configuration by inserting a specified number of molecules of each species. Each molecule is inserted using configuration bias Monte Carlo, using kappa_ins trial locations for the first fragment and kappa_dih trial rotations for each additional fragment. Trial locations and rotations that place two atoms closer than Rcutoff_Low have zero weight. Otherwise the weight of the trial location is computed as discussed in Inserting a Molecule with Configurational Bias Monte Carlo and one trial is selected proportionate to its weight. If all trial locations have zero weight, the insertion is rejected and re-attempted.


If the specified initial density is too high the code may get stuck attempting to generate an initial configuration.


The make_config and add_to_config options do not utilize a chemical potential or compute the change in energy from inserting the fully assembled molecule. As a result, these routines will allow the user to insert more molecules than are thermodynamically reasonable at finite temperature or finite chemical potentials. This can become problematic when deleting molecules in GCMC and GEMC simulations. If the energy required to insert a molecule back into the location it’s being deleted from is greater than +708 kT, Cassandra will abort with a “Attempted to delete molecule…but the molecule energy is too high” error message.

  • make_config will generate an initial configuration using a configurational biased scheme. The number of molecules of each species is specified as follows:
    make_config Integer(1) … Integer(n)
    where n is the number of species and Integer(i) is the number of molecules of species \(i\) to insert into the box. This keyword can be repeated for each box. For example, to generate an initial configuration with 100 molecules of species 1 and 75 molecules of species 2:
    # Start_Type
    make_config 100 75
    If the simulation also has a second box with 25 molecules of species 2 only:
    # Start_Type
    make_config 100 75
    make_config   0 25
  • read_config will use the coordinates from a .xyz file. For example, a configuration generated at one temperature may be used to initiate a simulation at another temperature. After read_config, the number of molecules of each species must be given, followed by the .xyz filename:
    read_config Integer(1) … Integer(n) Character(1)
    where n is the number of species, Integer(i) is the number of molecules of species \(i\) to read from file Character(1). This keyword can be repeated for each box. For example, to start a simulation using a configuration of 50 molecules each of species 1 and 2:
    # Start_Type
    read_config 50 50
    If the simulation also has a second box with 10 molecules of species 1 and 90 molecules of species 2:
    # Start_Type
    read_config 50 50
    read_config 10 90
    The .xyz files must have the following format:
    <number of atoms>
    comment line
    <element> <x> <y> <z>


The input .xyz file must not contain molecules with broken bonds. For instance, a valid .xyz file for a long linear hydrocarbon can contain some of its atoms outside the box boundaries.

An invalid .xyz file would contain coordinates “wrapped” across box boundaries, causing unphysically long bonds.

Cassandra checks that the bonds computed in the initial configuration match those provided in the MCF. If an invalid .xyz is provided, long bonds would be measured and Cassandra would throw an error at the beginning of the simulation.

  • add_to_config will read the coordinates from an .xyz file, but then insert additional molecules. After add_to_config specify the number of molecules of each species to be read, followed by the .xyz filename, followed by the number of molecules of each species to be added:
    add_to_config Integer(1) … Integer(n) Character(1) Integer(n+1) … Integer(2n)
    where n is the number of species, Integer(1) through Integer(n) are the number of molecules of each species to read from file Character(1), and Integer(n+1) through Integer(2n) are the number of molecules of each species to add to the configuration. This keyword can be repeated for each box. For example, to start a simulation by reading in a zeolite (speces 1) configuration and adding 30 molecules of methane (species 2):
    # Start_Type
    add_to_config 1 0 0 30
    where the file contains the coordinates of a unit cell of MFI silicalite.
  • checkpoint this keyword is used to restart a simulation from a checkpoint file. During the course of a simulation, Cassandra periodically generates a checkpoint file (*.chk) containing information about the total number of translation, rotation and volume moves along with the random number seeds and the coordinates of each molecule and its box number at the time the file is written. Cassandra provides the capability of restarting from this state point in the event that a simulation crashes or running a production simulation from an equilibrated configuration. For this purpose, in addition to the checkpoint keyword, additional information in the form of the name of the checkpoint file Character(1) is required in the following format:
    checkpoint Character(1)
    For example, to continue simulations from a checkpoint file methane_vle_T148.chk, you might specify:
    # Start_Type
    checkpoint methane_vle_T148.chk


    Note that when a checkpoint file is used to restart a simulation, the seeds for random number generation supplied by the user will be overwritten by those present in the checkpoint file. By contrast, if # Start_Type is read_config, then the seeds specified in the input file are used.


Unless starting from a checkpoint file, input files for a multi-box simulation must have one line for each box in the Start_Type section. Each line can start with a different keyword. For example, a GEMC simulation of a water(1)-methane(2) mixture can begin from an equilibrated water box and a new vapor box:

# Start_Type
read_config 100 0
make_config  50  50

Run Type

# Run_Type
Character(1) Integer(1) [Integer(2)]

This section is used to specify whether a given simulation is an equilibration or a production run. For an equilibration run, the maximum translational, rotational, torsional and volume widths (for an NPT or a GEMC simulation) are adjusted to achieve 50% acceptance rates. During a production run, the maximum displacement width for different moves are held constant.

Depending on the type of the simulation, Character(1) can be set to either equilibration or production. For an equilibration run, Integer(1) denotes the number of MC steps performed for a given thermal move before the corresponding maximum displacement width is updated. Integer(2) is the number of MC volume moves after which the volume displacement width is updated. This number is optional if no volume moves are performed during a simulation (for example in an NVT or a GCMC simulation). When the run type is set to production, Integer(1) and Integer(2) refer to the frequency at which the acceptance ratios for thermal and volume moves will be output to the log file. These acceptance rates should be checked to make sure proper sampling is achieved.

For an NPT equilibration run in which the widths of the thermal move are to be updated after 1000 MC moves and maximum volume displacements after 100 volume moves, specify the following:

# Run_Type
equilibration 1000 100

For an NVT production run in which the acceptance ratios of various thermal moves are printed to the log file after every 250 MC steps of a given thermal move, use the following:

# Run_Type
production 250

Simulation Length

# Simulation_Length_Info
units Character(1)
prop_freq Integer(2)
coord_freq Integer(3)
run Integer(4)
[steps_per_sweep Integer(5)]
[block_averages Integer(6)]

This section specifies the frequency at which thermodynamic properties and coordinates are output to a file. The units keyword determines the method by which the simulation is terminated and data is output. Character(1) can be minutes, steps, or sweeps. Thermodynamic quantities are output every Integer(2) units, coordinates are written to the disk every Integer(3) units and the simulation will stop after Integer(4) units.

If Character(1) is minutes, then the simulation runs for a specified time. For example, to run a simulation for 60 minutes with thermodynamic properties written every minute and coordinates output every 10 minutes, use:

# Simulation_Length_Info
units minutes
prop_freq 1
coord_freq 10
run 60

If Character(1) is steps, the simulation runs for a specified number of MC steps. An MC step is defined as a single MC move, regardless of type and independent of system size. To run a simulation of 50,000 steps such that thermodynamic quantities are printed every 100 MC steps and coordinates are output every 10,000 steps, use:

# Simulation_Length_Info
units steps
prop_freq 100
coord_freq 10000
run 50000

If Character(1) is sweeps, the simulation runs for a specified number of MC sweeps. The number of MC steps per sweep can be defined using the optional keyword steps_per_sweep. The default steps_per_sweep value is the sum of the weights of each move type. A sweep is typically defined as the number of MC moves needed for every move to be attempted for every molecule.

For example, in a water box of 100 molecules in the NPT ensemble, a sweep would be 201 moves-100 translations, 100 rotations and 1 volume change. To run a simulation of 1,000 sweeps with thermodynamic quantities are printed every 100 sweeps and coordinates are output every 100 sweeps, use the following:

# Simulation_Length_Info
units sweeps
prop_freq 100
coord_freq 100
run 1000
steps_per_sweep 201

The optional keyword block_avg_freq switches the thermodynamic output from instantaneous values to block average values, where Integer(6) is the number of units per block. The number of blocks is given by Integer(4)/Integer(6) and the number of data points per block is Integer(6)/Integer(2). For example, during a run of 1,000,000 steps, with properties computed every 100 steps and averaged every 100,000 steps, specify:

# Simulation_Length_Info
units steps
run 1000000
block_avg_freq 100000
prop_freq 100
coord_freq 100

This simulation will output 10 averages, and each average will be computed from 1000 data points.

Pregenerated Trajectory

# Pregen_Info
Character(i,1) Character(i,2) *One line for each box i

This section specifies the paths to the .H and .xyz files storing the pregenerated trajectory to be read. Character(i,1) specifies the path to the .H file for box i and Character(i,2) specifies the .xyz file for box i. Descriptions of these file types can be found in Cassandra Output Files.

For example, to read a pregenerated trajectory from md_trajectory.H and, the section could be written as follows:

# Pregen_Info

To read a pregenerated trajectory from gemc_trajectory.box1.H and for box 1 and from gemc_trajectory.box2.H and for box 2, the section could be written as follows:

# Pregen_Info

Widom Insertion

# Widom_Insertion
Character(i,j,1) [Integer(i,j,2) Integer(i,j,3)] [Integer(i,j,4)] *One entry for each box j
*One line for each species i

This section specifies which species will be used for Widom insertions and how many times, how often, and in which boxes they will have Widom insertions. If the section is omitted, no Widom insertions will be performed. Otherwise, if Logical is true or omitted, Widom insertions are enabled. If Logical is false, Widom insertions are disabled and the rest of the section is ignored.

Character(i,j,i) specifies whether there are Widom insertions of species i in box j. Character(i,j,1) is none if species i has no Widom insertions in box j, in which case Integer(i,j,2) and Integer(i,j,3) are ignored and may be omitted. If Character(i,j,1) is cbmc, then species i has Integer(i,j,2) Widom insertions every Integer(i,j,3) MC steps (or MC sweeps if sweeps are the units defined in section # Simulation_Length_Info as described in Simulation Length) in box j. Units of time are not supported for Integer(i,j,3), and if they are specified as the units, Integer(i,j,3) will still be in units of MC steps.

Integer(i,j,4) may optionally be included with a positive value to make Cassandra write a .wprp2 file for species i and box j, where each group of Integer(i,j,2) Widom insertions is split into Integer(i,j,4) subgroups with an equal number of Widom insertions. If Integer(i,j,2) is not divisible by Integer(i,j,4), the last remainder of the Integer(i,j,2) Widom insertions is ignored for the .wprp2 file but not for the .wprp file and computed shifted chemical potential for species i and box j. Additional details on the .wprp2 files are given in Cassandra Output Files.

For example, for a simulation with one box and two species, in which species 1 is to be inserted 5000 times every 1000 steps and species 2 is to be inserted 7000 times every 400 steps, this section could be written as follows:

# Widom_Insertion
cbmc 5000 1000
cbmc 7000 400

For a simulation with two boxes and two species, for which the simulation length units are sweeps, where species 1 will have 300 Widom insertions every 50 sweeps in box 2 but none in box 1 and species 2 will have 7000 Widom insertions every 350 sweeps in box 1 and 200 Widom insertions every 30 sweeps in box 2, this section could be written as follows:

# Widom_Insertion
none cbmc 300 50
cbmc 7000 350 cbmc 200 30

Cell List Overlap Detection

# Cell_List_Overlap

To enable cell list-based core overlap detection for Widom insertions, Logical should be true. This requires more memory, but lets Cassandra more quickly detect core overlap without wasting CPU time computing any energies for trial postions with core overlap. This results in a dramatic speed boost for Widom insertions in dense media such as liquids, where most trial positions have core overlap. This method only supports cubic boxes and orthogonal boxes.

Property Output

# Property_Info Integer(i)
Character(j) *One line for each property \(j\)

This section provides information on the properties that are output. More than one section is allowed for multiple boxes. In this case, each section is separated by a blank line. Integer(i) is the identity of the box for which the properties are desired. Character(i,j) is the property that is to be output. Each property is specified on a separate line.

All energies are in kJ/mol and are extensive, i.e. if the numbers of molecules in a simulation are doubled, the magnitude of the energy will also double. The kJ unit of energy is the right order of magnitude for molar quantities, \(\mathcal{O}(10^{23})\) molecules. Cassandra is designed for simulations of \(\mathcal{O}(100 − 1000)\) molecules, which will have much smaller internal energies, \(\mathcal{O}(10^{-21})\) kJ. Rather than report energies in zeptojoules or eV, we have opted to multiply the energies by Avogadro’s number. Or, equivalently, you can interpret the output energies as the energy for a mole of simulation boxes. To get extensive energies in kJ, divide the output energies by Avogadro’s number. To get intensive energies in kJ/mol, divide the output energies by the number of molecules (only strictly valid for single species simulations). The following components of the energy can be output:

  • energy_total: total energy of the system, the sum of energy_intra and energy_inter
  • energy_intra: intramolecular energy, the sum of the following terms:
    • energy_bond: bond energy
    • energy_angle: angle energy
    • energy_dihedral: dihedral energy
    • energy_improper: improper energy
    • energy_intravdw: intramolecular van der Waals energy
    • energy_intraq: intramolecular electrostatic energy. In the case of Ewald and DSF methods, this is the real-space intramolecular electrostatic energy.
  • energy_inter: intermolecular energy, sum of the following terms:
    • energy_intervdw: intermolecular van der Waals energy
    • energy_lrc: long range tail correction for the truncated van der Waals energy
    • energy_interq: intermolecular electrostatic energy. In the case of Ewald and DSF methods, this is the real-space intermolecular electrostatic energy.
    • energy_recip: electrostatic reciprocal energy, for Ewald and DSF methods
    • energy_self: electrostatic self energy, for Ewald method

Additional supported keywords are:

  • enthalpy: Enthalpy of the system, in kJ/mol (extensive). The enthalpy is computed using the pressure setpoint for isobaric simulations and the computed pressure for all other ensembles.
  • pressure: Pressure of the system, in bar
  • pressure_xx: the xx-component of the pressure tensor, in bar
  • pressure_yy: the yy-component of the pressure tensor, in bar
  • pressure_zz: the zz-component of the pressure tensor, in bar
  • volume: Volume of the system in Å3
  • nmols: Number of molecules of each species
  • density: Density of each species in Å3
  • mass_density: Density of the system in kg/m3

For example, if you would like total energy, volume and pressure of a one box system to be written, you may specify the following:

# Property_Info 1

For a GEMC-NVT simulation, total energy and density of all the species in box 1 and total energy, density of all the species in box 2 along with the pressure may be output using the following format:

# Property_Info 1

# Property_Info 2

Fragment Files

# Fragment_Files
Character(i) Integer(i) *One line for each fragment \(i\)

In this section, information about the fragment library is specified. Character(i) gives the location of the fragment library of fragment \(i\); Integer(i) is the corresponding integer id specifying the type of the fragment.


This section is automatically generated by However, if there is a need to change this section, follow the example given below.

For a simulation involving two species of which the first one contains three distinct fragments and species 2 has two identical fragments, this section might look like:

# Fragment_Files
frag_1_1.dat 1
frag_2_1.dat 2
frag_3_1.dat 3
frag_1_2.dat 4
frag_1_2.dat 4

This tells Cassandra to use the files frag_1_1.dat, frag_2_1.dat and frag_3_1.dat for the three fragments of species 1. Since species 2 has two identical fragment, Cassandra will use the same fragment library frag_1_2.dat for these fragments.

Verbosity in log file

# Verbose_Logfile

This optional section is used to control the level of detail about the simulation setup that is output to the log file. Controlling this can be useful for development purposes. If this section is missing, Logical is set to false by default. Supported options for Logical are true or false.

File Info

# File_Info

This section is used only while generating a fragment library. Cassandra will use the filename specified in Character to store different conformations of the fragment being simulated.


This section is automatically handled by However, if the user wishes to modify this part, use the following template:

# File_Info

This tells Cassandra to store the fragment library in the file named frag.dat.

CBMC parameters

# CBMC_Info
kappa_ins Integer(1)
kappa_dih Integer(2)
rcut_cbmc Real(3,1) [Real(3,2)]

Cassandra utilizes a configurational bias methodology based on sampling a library of fragment conformations. This section sets a number of parameters required for biased insertion/deletion (refer to the sections # Prob_Insertion, # Prob_Deletion and # Prob_Swap and configurational regrowth (# Prob_Regrowth).

This section is only required if molecules are regrown, inserted and/or deleted. Keyword kappa_ins is required if the section # Start_Type is given with keyword make_config or add_to_config, or if the section # Sim_Type is gcmc, gemc or gemc_npt.

Keyword kappa_ins is required if section # CBMC_Info is required. For a biased insertion, a fragment is chosen to insert first in proportion to the number of atoms in fragment. For example, to insert a united-atom molecule of ethylbenzene, the ring fragment has 7 pseudoatoms while the other has 3. The ring fragment will be inserted first with a probability of 0.7. By contrast, to insert a united-atom molecule of dodecane, all ten fragments have 3 pseudoatoms and so one is chosen with uniform probability. After choosing a Boltzmann-distributed conformation and an orientation with uniform probability, Integer(1) trial positions are generated for the center-of-mass of the fragment. One of the trial positions is then selected randomly based on the Boltzmann weight of the energy of the trial position.

Keyword kappa_dih is required if any species composed of multiple fragments is inserted/deleted or regrown. Additional fragments are added to the growing molecule using Integer(2) trial dihedral angles that connect the new fragment to the existing part of molecule.

Keyword rcut_cbmc is required if section # CBMC_Info is required. For all the trials, energy of the partially grown molecule with itself and surrounding molecules is to be calculated. For this purpose, a short cutoff is used. Real(4,i) specifies the cutoff distance in Å for box \(i\). A short cutoff is fast, but might miss some overlaps. You can experiment with this value to optimize it for your system.

For a GEMC simulation in which 12 candidate positions are generated for biased insertion/deletion, 10 trials for biased dihedral angle selection and the cutoff for biasing energy calculation is set to 5.0 Å in box 1 and 6.5 Å in box 2, this section would look like:

# CBMC_Info
kappa_ins 12
kappa_dih 10
rcut_cbmc 5.0 6.5

Molecular Connectivity File

A Molecular Connectivity File (MCF) defines the information related to bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers fragments and non bonded interactions for a given species. One MCF is required for each species present in the system. The information contained in this file involves the force field parameters, atoms participating in each of the interactions and the functional form used in each potential contribution. The keywords are preceeded by a # and comments follow a !. Similarly to the input file, the order of the keywords is not important. A complete list of the keywords is provided below.


MCFs are generated by the script automatically. The following description is provided for the users who wish to modify the MCF or manually write the MCF.


Parameters for all of the following keywords must be separated by spaces only. Do not use the tab character.

Atom Info

# Atom_Info
Integer(2) Character(3)*6 Character(4)*2 Real(5) Real(6) Character(7)*20 Optional_Parms Character(fin)

This keyword specifies the information for non-bonded interactions. It is a required keyword in the MCF. If not specified, the code will abort. The inputs are specified below:

  • Integer(1): Total number of atoms in the species.
  • Integer(2): Atom index.
  • Character(3)*6: Atom type up to 6 characters. This string of characters should be unique for each interaction site in the system, i.e. do not use the same atom type for two atoms in the same (or different) species unless the (pseudo)atoms have the same atom types.
  • Character(4)*2: Atom element name up to 2 characters.
  • Real(5): Mass of the atom in amu. Note that for united atom models, this would be the mass of the entire pseudoatom.
  • Real(6): Charge on the atom.
  • Character(7): The functional form for van der Waals (vdW) interactions. Options are LJ for Lennard-Jones, Mie for the Mie potential, or NONE if the atom type does not have vdW interactions. LJ and Mie cannot be used in the same simulation. This must match what is given for # VDW_Style (VDW Style) in the input file.
  • Character(fin): The final entry on the line is ring only if the atom is part of a ring fragment. Note that a ring fragment is defined as those atoms that belong to the ring (e.g. in cyclohexane, all the six carbons) and any atom directly bonded to these ring atoms (e.g. in cyclohexane, all the hydrogens). In other words, all of the ring and exoring atoms are given the ring flag. For atoms that are not part of rings, leave this field blank.

Additional parameters are required for LJ and Mie potentials. For LJ,

  • Real(8): The energy parameter in K.
  • Real(9): Collision diameter (\(\sigma\)) in Å.

For Mie,

  • Real(8): The energy parameter in K.
  • Real(9): Collision diameter (\(\sigma\)) in Å.
  • Real(10): The repulsive exponent.
  • Real(11): The dispersive exponent.


For single-fragment species, the branch point atom is listed as the first atom.

For example, for a united atom pentane model:

# Atom_Info
1 CH3_s1 C 15.0107 0.0 LJ 98.0 3.75
2 CH2_s1 C 14.0107 0.0 LJ 46.0 3.95
3 CH2_s1 C 14.0107 0.0 LJ 46.0 3.95
4 CH2_s1 C 14.0107 0.0 LJ 46.0 3.95
5 CH3_s1 C 15.0107 0.0 LJ 98.0 3.75

The number below the keyword # Atom_Info specifies a species with 5 interaction sites, consistent with a united atom pentane model. The first column specifies the atom ID of each of the pseudo atoms. The second and third columns provide the atom type and atom name, respectively. The fourth column represents the atomic mass of each pseudoatom. Note that the mass of CH3_s1 is 15.0107 for this united atom model, as it involves a carbon and three hydrogen atoms. The same applies for all other interaction sites. The fifth column contains the partial charges placed on each of these pseudoatoms. The sixth, seventh and eighth columns contain the repulsion-dispersion functional form, the energy parameter and the collision diameter respectively. In this case, the usual Lennard-Jones functional form is used. Note that none of these atoms used the flag ring, as no rings are present in this molecule.

For a molecule containing rings, for example cyclohexane:

# Atom_Info
1 CH_s1 C 13.0107 0.0 LJ 52.5 3.91 ring
2 CH_s1 C 13.0107 0.0 LJ 52.5 3.91 ring
3 CH_s1 C 13.0107 0.0 LJ 52.5 3.91 ring
4 CH_s1 C 13.0107 0.0 LJ 52.5 3.91 ring
5 CH_s1 C 13.0107 0.0 LJ 52.5 3.91 ring
6 CH_s1 C 13.0107 0.0 LJ 52.5 3.91 ring


The flag ‘ring’ was appended as the last column for each site in this cyclic molecule.

For the SPC/E water model:

# Atom_Info
1 O1_s1 O 16.00 -0.8476 LJ 78.20 3.1656
2 H2_s1 H 1.000 0.4238 NONE
3 H3_s1 H 1.000 0.4238 NONE


This is a molecule with a single fragment, so the branch point atom is the first atom in the list.

For a single-site model of CO2 using the Mie potential:

# Atom_Info
1 CO2 C 44.00 0.0 Mie 361.69 3.741 23.0 6.66

where the last two parameters are the repulsive and dispersive exponents, respectively.

Bond Info

# Bond_Info
Integer(i,2) Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4) Character(i,5) Real(i,6) Real(i,7)

This section provides information on the number of bonds in a molecule and atoms involved in each bond along with its type. It is a required keyword in the MCF. If not specified, the code will abort. The inputs are specified below:

  • Integer(1): Total number of bonds in the species. From the next line onwards, the bonds are listed sequentially and information for each bond is included on a separate line.
  • Integer(i,2): Index of the \(i^{th}\) bond.
  • Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4): IDs of the atoms participating in the bond.
  • Character(i,5): Type of the bond. At present only ‘fixed’ is permitted.
  • Real(i,6): Specifies the bond length for a particular bond in Å.


At present, Cassandra simulations can be carried out only for fixed bond length systems.

For example, for the water model SPC/E, the # Bond_Info section is the following:

# Bond_Info
1 1 2 fixed 1.0
2 1 3 fixed 1.0

In the above example, two bonds are specified whose fixed length is set to 1.0 Å.

Angle Info

# Angle_Info
Integer(i,2) Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4) Integer(i,5) Character(i,6) Real(i,7) Real(i,8)

The section lists the information on the angles in the species. It is a required keyword in the MCF. If not specified, the code will abort.

  • Integer(1): Number of angles in the species.
  • Integer(i,2): Index of the \(i^{th}\) angle.
  • Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4) Integer(i,5): IDs of the atoms participating in the \(i^{th}\) angle. Note that Integer(i,4) is the ID of the central atom.
  • Character(i,6): Type of the angle. Currently, Cassandra supports ‘fixed’ and ‘harmonic’ (see Angles) angles. For the ‘fixed’ option, Real(i,7) is the value of the angle and Real(i,8) is ignored by the code if specified. In the case of ’harmonic’ potential type, Real(i,7) specifies the harmonic force constant (\(K/rad^2\)) while Real(i,8) is the nominal bond angle (in degrees).

For example, for a united atom pentane molecule with flexible angles, this section is the following:

# Angle_Info
1 1 2 3 harmonic 31250.0 114.0
2 2 3 4 harmonic 31250.0 114.0
3 3 4 5 harmonic 31250.0 114.0

In the above example, the three angles between the pseudoatoms found in the pentane model are specified. The three angles have an harmonic potential, whose force constant is equal and is set to 31250.0 K/rad2. Finally, the equilibrium angle for these angles is 114.0°.

An example for SPC/E water model with fixed angles is:

# Angle_Info
1 2 1 3 fixed 109.47

This model has only one angle that is set to 109.47°. No force constant is provided as the angle is fixed.

Dihedral Info

# Dihderal_Info
Integer(i,2) Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4) Integer(i,5) Integer(i,6) Character(i,7) Real(i,8) Real(i,9) Real(i,10) Real(i,11)

This section of the MCF lists the number of dihedral angles and associated information for a given species. It is a required keyword in the MCF. If not specified, the code will abort.

  • Integer(1): Lists the number of dihedral angles.
  • Integer(i,2): Index of the \(i^{th}\) dihedral angle.
  • Integer(i,3): Integer(i,6) - IDs of the atoms in the \(i^{th}\) dihedral angle.
  • Character(i,7) : Dihedral potential type. Acceptable options are OPLS, CHARMM, harmonic and none. If OPLS dihedral potential type is selected, then the real numbers Real(i,8) - Real(i,11) are the coefficients in the Fourier series (see Dihedrals). The units are in kJ/mol. For the CHARMM dihedral potential type, three additional parameters are specified: \(a_0, a_1\) and \(\delta\) (see Dihedrals). If harmonic dihedral potential type is used, then two additional parameters, \(K_{phi}\) and \(\phi_0\) (see Dihedrals), are specified. For the none dihedral potential type, no additional parameters are necessary.

For example, for a united atom pentane molecule using an OPLS dihedral potential type, the dihedrals are specified as follows:

# Dihedral_Info
1 1 2 3 4 OPLS 0.0 2.95188 -0.5670 6.5794
2 2 3 4 5 OPLS 0.0 2.95188 -0.5670 6.5794

In this model two dihedral angles are specified by atoms 1,2,3,4 and 2,3,4,5. This model uses an OPLS functional form and thus four parameters are provided after the OPLS flag.

Intramolecular Scaling

# Intra_Scaling
Real(i,1) Real(i,2) Real(i,3) Real(i,4)
Real(i,5) Real(i,6) Real(i,7) Real(i,8)

This section sets the intramolecular scaling for 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-N interactions within a given species. 1-2 means interactions between atom 1 and another atom 2 directly bonded to it, 1-3 means interactions between atom 1 and other atoms 3 separated from atom 1 by exactly two bonds, etc. The first line corresponds to the VDW scaling: Real(i,1) Real(i,2) Real(i,3) Real(i,4) apply to 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-N interactions, where N corresponds to all atoms separated from atom 1 by more than three bonds. The second line corresponds to the Coulomb scaling: Real(i,5) Real(i,6) Real(i,7) Real(i,8) apply to 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-N interactions. Note that intramolecular scaling applies to all the boxes in the simulation.

For example,

# Intra_Scaling
0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0

turns off 1-2 and 1-3 interactions, scales the VDW and Coulombic interactions for 1-4 atoms by 50%, and uses full interactions for all other atom pairs in the species.


If the # Intra_Scaling section is missing from the MCF, it will be looked for in the input file. If provided, the values in the MCF file will always override any values provided in the input file.

Fragment Info

# Fragment_Info
Integer(i,2) Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4) Integer(i,5) … Integer(i,2+Integer(i,3))

This section defines the total number of fragments in a given species. It is an optional keyword. However, if the species is composed of fragments, then this section must be specified. The inputs are specified below:

  • Integer(1): Total number of fragments.

  • Integer(i,2): Index of the \(i^{th}\) fragment.

  • Integer(i,3): Number of atoms in the \(i^{th}\) fragment.

  • Integer(i,4) … Integer(i,2+integer(i,3)): List of the atom IDs in the fragment. The first atom ID is that for the branch point atom. .. warning:

    Atom ordering for the remaining atoms must match the order of atoms
    in the fragment library files.

For example, for a pentane united atom model:

# Fragment_Info
1 3 2 1 3
2 3 3 2 4
3 3 4 3 5

This specifies three fragments. Each of these fragments has three atoms. The first atom specified for each of the fragments is the branch point atom.

Fragment Connectivity

# Fragment_Connectivity
Integer(i,2) Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4)

The section lists the fragment connectivity - which fragment is bonded to which other fragment. It is a required keyword if Fragment_Info is specified.

  • Integer(1): total number of fragment connections.
  • Integer(i,2): index of the \(i^{th}\) fragment connectivity.
  • Integer(i,3) Integer(i,4): fragment IDs participating in the connectivty.

For example, for a pentane united atom model:

# Fragment_Connectivity
1 1 2
2 2 3

In this example, there are three fragments, therefore, two fragment connectivities must be specified. Note that fragment 1 is connected to fragment 2 and fragment 2 is connected to fragment 3.