
Funding and resources

Support for this work was provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation entitled “SI2-SSE: Development of Cassandra, a General, Efficient and Parallel Monte Carlo Multiscale Modeling Software Platform for Materials Research”, grant number ACI-1339785.

Ed Maginn would like to acknowledge financial support from Sandia National Laboratory’s Computer Science Research Institute, which enabled him to take a research leave and lay the foundation for Cassandra in collaboration with Jindal Shah, who stayed behind at Notre Dame and helped keep the group going. The hospitality of Steve Plimpton and co-workers at Sandia is gratefully acknowledged.

Finally, we would also like to thank the Center for Research Computing at Notre Dame, which provided support, encouragement, and infrastructure to help bring Cassandra to life.


People who have contributed to Cassandra through algorithm development and/or writing code (to date) include:

  • Ed Maginn
  • Jindal Shah
  • Eliseo Marin
  • Brian Keene
  • Sandip Khan
  • Ryan Gotchy Mullen
  • Andrew Paluch
  • Neeraj Rai
  • Lucienne Romanielo
  • Tom Rosch
  • Brian Yoo
  • Ryan S. DeFever
  • Ryan Smith

Some legacy code was used in the creation of Cassandra, and the following former students are recognized for their work:

  • David Eike
  • Jim Larentzos
  • Craig Powers